
Problem Category Points ▾ AC % Users
TCCC '23 Sept P3- JoePeewee's Tournament TCC Contest 5 66.7% 10
TCCC '23 Sept P4 - DNA Lengths TCC Contest 5 26.7% 10
TCCC '23 Sept P6 - Sorting Burgers TCC Contest 5 11.1% 5
TCCC '23 Sept P5- Da Perfect Burger TCC Contest 5 40.0% 11
TCCC '23 Nov P2 - Candy Stash TCC Contest 5p 28.3% 12
TCCC '24 Jan P2 - Hamlet the Frightening TCC Contest 5 26.7% 3
TCCC '23 Dec P1 - The Jolly Mines TCC Contest 5 11.5% 12
TCCC '23 Dec P2 - Grinching TCC Contest 5p 16.5% 9
TCCC '24 Feb P4 - Good Gifts TCC Contest 5p 40.0% 15
Multiple Integer Addition Uncategorized 4 73.1% 63
Zeroes to the End Uncategorized 4 64.2% 46
HTML Strings ICS3 & ICS4 4 14.1% 116
Necklace Problem ICS3 & ICS4 4 40.9% 197
Monogram ICS3 & ICS4 4p 32.6% 177
String Remover ICS3 & ICS4 4 20.1% 188
Reversing Subarrays ICS3 & ICS4 4 32.1% 6
A Plus B Uncategorized 3p 58.3% 126
Quadrant Selection Uncategorized 3 71.7% 63
Digits Game Uncategorized 3 72.3% 77
Simplified Sudoku Uncategorized 3 58.6% 49
Broken Soundboard Uncategorized 3 53.3% 50
A Minus B Uncategorized 3 48.2% 123
Stalin Sort Uncategorized 3 38.9% 75
Maintaining a Sequence Uncategorized 3p 33.8% 45
Attendance Uncategorized 3 38.9% 87
Typo Uncategorized 3 64.1% 46
Math Class Purge Uncategorized 3 39.3% 44
Doggio's Treats Uncategorized 3 57.8% 23
High Octane League of Legends Gameplay Uncategorized 3 44.4% 25
Fraschetti's Parachute Uncategorized 3 48.0% 9
TSSPC Contest 1 P1 - Revenge Uncategorized 3 68.0% 37
TSSPC Contest 2 P1 - Joe's Birds Uncategorized 3 64.8% 15
TTC '18 Contest 1 P1 - Credit Score Contest Problems 3 72.0% 49
TTC '18 Contest 2 P1 - Easy or Hard Contest Problems 3 45.5% 39
TTC '18 Contest 2 P2 - Forward and Turn Contest Problems 3 55.9% 31
Graph Theory 2 Contest Problems 3 35.5% 47
A Subtracting Problem Contest Problems 3 20.0% 41
A Binary Problem Contest Problems 3 46.0% 48
Mock CCC '19 Contest 1 J1 - Froggo the Frog Contest Problems 3p 67.8% 53
A Max Problem Contest Problems 3 29.4% 30
Mock CCC '19 Contest 1 J2 - Froggo's Numbers Contest Problems 3p 15.4% 42
Mock CCC '19 Contest 1 S1 - Edward's Gloves Contest Problems 3p 55.2% 30
CPC 1 Problem 1 - Chika's Poor Handwriting Contest Problems 3p 38.1% 38
CPC 1 Problem 3 - Chika's Popularity Contest Contest Problems 3p 52.5% 43
CPC 1 Problem 2 - Chika's Arithmetic Square Contest Problems 3p 39.7% 24
Making an Easy Problem Contest Problems 3 67.9% 45
Were You Paying Attention? Contest Problems 3 40.3% 25
osu! klikin sircles Contest Problems 3 52.2% 19
TSS '19 CC P1 - Counting Pieces Contest Problems 3 57.9% 31
Mock CCC '20 Contest 1 J1 - Cryptic Letter Contest Problems 3 64.5% 19