TSSPC Contest 2 P4 - Cheapskate

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Points: 12 (partial)
Time limit: 1.5s
Memory limit: 256M

Problem type

Joe loves bubble tea. However, he hates spending money, so he always buys the cheapest product. His favourite chain, Bubble tea and me, has a set of N bubble tea items with a corresponding price and product number from [1, N]. They will also occasionally replace items. Their menu displays a set of items with consecutive product numbers from l to r inclusive. Given the original prices, product replacements and items displayed, find the cheapest bubble tea item available whenever Joe visits the store.

Input Specification

The first line contains two space-separated numbers N \ (1\leq N \leq 100\,000), the number of bubble tea items and M \ (1\leq M\leq 100\,000), the amount of operations (product replacements and store visits).

The next N lines contain the price of the bubble tea items with the price on line i representing the price of item i-1. The price will always be a non-negative integer no greater than 1\,000\,000.

The next M lines contain one operation each. Each operation has the form of either M i x where product number i \ (1< i\leq N) is replaced with a product with price x \ (0\leq x< 1\,000\,000), or Q l r 1\leq l \leq r \leq N indicating products [l,r] are on display for Joe to buy from.

Output Specification

For each Q Query, output the cheapest bubble tea item available.


Subtask 1 [30%]

1\leq N\leq 100

1\leq M\leq 100

Subtask 2 [70%]

No further restrictions

Sample Input

5 10
Q 2 4
M 5 475689
Q 3 4
Q 2 4
Q 2 3
Q 4 4
Q 3 4
M 3 645514
M 3 680746
Q 1 5

Sample Output



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