Thornhill Computer Club 2024 - February Mock CCC - Problem 1
minutes for him to get out of bed, 30
minutes to eat breakfast,10
minutes to get ready for school, and 5
minutes to walk to the bus stop. will always complete every part of his morning routine. However, depending on how late he wakes up, he may not have enough time for breakfast and thus chooses to skip it entirely to save time. Given the time wakes up, determine if he can make the bus, needs to skip breakfast, or misses the bus entirely.
Input Specifications
The first line of input will contain two integers
representing the number of hours and minutes after midnight at which wakes up at.
Output Specifications
Depending on when
wakes up, output one of the following strings on a single line:KURBYDOO MAKES THE BUS
if he can make the bus without skipping breakfast.KURBYDOO SKIPS BREAKFAST
if he can make the bus by skipping breakfast.KURBYDOO MISSES THE BUS
if he cannot make the bus.
Sample Input 1
7 10
Sample Output 1
Explanation of Sample Output 1
Kurbydoo can complete his morning routine by 8 hours and 0 minutes after midnight and is thus able to make the bus.
Sample Input 2
7 25
Sample Output 2
Explanation of Sample Output 2
will complete his morning routine by 8 hours and 15 minutes after midnight, which is too late for the bus. However, if chooses to skip breakfast, he will complete his morning routine by 7 hours and 45 minutes after midnight and can make the bus.
Sample Input 3
7 50
Sample Output 3
Explanation of Sample Output 3
Kurbydoo will miss the bus even if he chooses to skip breakfast.