A minimum spanning tree for an undirected graph is a subgraph that connects every single node in that graph such that the sum of the weights of all the edges in the subgraph are minimized. Given a connected graph, find the total cost of a minimum spanning tree for it.
Input Specification
The first line of input contains the integer
representing the number of nodes in the graph. They are numbered
The second line is an integer
representing the number of edges in the graph.
The next lines each contain three space separated integers representing an edge:
- The first two integers
show that there is an edge connecting
- The third integer is
representing the cost of this edge.
- It is possible that there will be multiple edges connecting the same two nodes.
Output Specification
Output a single integer representing the total cost of a minimum spanning tree for the provided graph.
Note: For Java, use of Scanner may cause passable solutions to TLE. Faster input reading is recommended.
Sample Input
0 1 11
6 4 8
4 0 1
0 3 -12
5 1 9
1 2 32
1 3 5
6 3 18
0 5 2
6 2 5
Sample Output
Explanation for Sample
The graph can be visualized as follows (one indexed):
The edges in green represent edges that are part of a minimum spanning tree of the graph whose sum of costs is 9.