Math Tutor

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Points: 3
Time limit: 2.0s
Memory limit: 64M

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Write a program that generates a math problem and solves it. It should generate two numbers and apply one operation between them. These problems should be generated using the java.util.Random class and its nextInt method.


The first line will contain an integer representing the seed to be passed to the Random class. The seed is guaranteed to fit within a 64 bit integer.
The next line contains one of +, -, * or / representing the operation the generated question should have.


Generate two values, a and b that are between 0 (inclusive) and 100 (exclusive).
Then, output a, followed by the operation, then b, followed by an equals sign, then the answer.
For division, the answer should be truncated to a whole number. Do not output any spaces.

Sample Input


Sample Output


Explanation for Sample

When the seed 8464689454601595904 is used to generate two numbers between 0 and 100, the Random class generates the numbers 69 and 41. Using the addition operation, the sum of these numbers is 110.

Hint for Java Solution

To get the operator as input, you will need to get it as a String. I suggest then converting it and storing it as a char so that you can compare it easily using the == operator which only works with primitive data types.

For example:

// get a String and from that get the character at position 0 (first character)
char operator =;


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