Jonathan Sumabat is reciting a Satanic ritual. Jonathan Sumabat believes that if he makes it to the end of his Satanic chant, he will be granted endless wealth, fame and infinite skill in osu! What Jonathan Sumabat doesn't know is that if at any point during the Satanic chant he says any variation of a ๐ป๐๐๐ท๐พ๐น๐น๐๐ word his soul will be immediately sucked into the endless void. A word is a variation of another if a number can be added or subtracted from each one of the letters in one word to result in the other word. For example cvssjup
is a variation of burrito
. This is because the word cvssjup
is obtained by changing every letter in burrito
to the letter in the alphabet with a position that is 1 greater. If the position would go outside the alphabet, it is wrapped back to a
. Jonathan Sumabat will still lose his soul if the variation of the ๐ป๐๐๐ท๐พ๐น๐น๐๐ word is part of a different word. Given the text of the Satanic ritual and the ๐ป๐๐๐ท๐พ๐น๐น๐๐ word, determine whether or not Jonathan Sumabat will have his soul at the end of it.
Input Specification
The first line of input is the restricted word with characters
The next line of input is the text of the Satanic ritual. The number of characters in this line is
The ๐ป๐๐๐ท๐พ๐น๐น๐๐ word will only contain lowercase letters. The ritual contains lowercase letters and spaces.
Output Specification
If reciting this ritual would result in the loss of Jonathan Sumabat's soul, print YOUR SOUL IS MINE
, otherwise print PRANKED
Sample Input
lasciate ogne speranza voi ch intrate
Sample Output
Explanation for Sample
The sequence ogne
in the Satanic ritual is a variation of the ๐ป๐๐๐ท๐พ๐น๐น๐๐ word qipg
as adding 2 to the position of each letter in ogne
in the alphabet results in qipg